About Yaqadoodle
Our Mission
To provide high-quality affordable childcare, which meets the individual requirements of every child, where they feel supported and valued.
Yaqadoodle Childcare Academy Limited, as the registered person, is registered as a provider of childcare on non-domestic premises on the Early Years Register and the compulsory part of the Childcare Register and the voluntary part of the Childcare register.
Our values
We believe in being united and working together. At Yaqadoodle, we encourage diversity and inclusion in all our activities and everything we do.
We believe in the importance of childcare development in all abilities, including those with special educational needs.
In these challenging times, we work in partnership with parents/carers and local organisations to promote childcare.
Why choose us?
Nutritious Food
Our food is home-cooked and full of nutrition!
We love to update parents/carers on their child's progress.

Affordable Childcare
We provide high-quality childcare services at an affordable cost.
Friendly & Funny
We love play! On a normal day in the nursery, you'll hear music, singing, & chatters!